Has Apple Lost the AI race?

Apple's desperate move to use Google's AI...

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This week, special guest of the pod Nir Zavaro returns for F*ck the Slides Pt. 2 and the insiders react to the latest in the tech world!

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Edu: [LIVE] Startup Storytelling Pt 2 - The Perfect Pitch

It’s finally happened.

We held our first LIVE session.

And who else better to guest star than previous special guest of the podcast Nir Zavaro.

Nir is currently in Australia promoting his book “F*ck The Slides!” and together with Yaniv Bernstein shared more nuggets of information.

Together the duo discussed:

  • The Power of the Hook: Learn how to craft a succinct 70-word hook followed by a compelling 2-3 minute pitch that grabs attention from the start.

  • Slide Decks Done Right: Explore different types of slide decks, from the pre-meeting "toilet deck" to in-person support slides, but remember, storytelling reigns supreme over slides.

  • Pitching Framework: Discover a structured approach to pitching, including a captivating hook, emotionally charged paragraphs, and controlled repetition for maximum impact.

  • Emotion Drives Investment: Understand how evoking emotion in your audience, coupled with a fear of missing out, can sway investors in your favor.

  • Practical Tips and Exercises: Get hands-on advice, including crafting attention-grabbing stories and recording pitches for continuous improvement.

Don’t miss this episode if you’re wanting to learn more about storytelling, wanting to level up your pitch deck or currently fundraising!

The Startup Podcast Sponsor: Vanta

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Reacts: Desperate Apple Turns To Google, NVIDIA's China Problem & Sam Altman Thinks GPT4 Sucks?!?

The insiders are back to unpack the latest news in the tech ecosystem.

Joining them this week is Amir Shevat - early stage startup investor and author.

Together they discuss:

  • OpenAI Marketplace Dynamics: The quartet explores the current state of the OpenAI marketplace for GPT models and predictions for its future growth and utility.

  • Apple's Potential Collaboration with Google: The insiders discuss rumors about Apple's discussions with Google regarding the utilization of Google's AI model, Gemini, and the strategic implications.

  • NVIDIA's Groundbreaking Tensor GPU Chips: Discover the impact of NVIDIA's new Tensor GPU chips on AI advancement, balancing progress with concerns about supplier concentration.

  • Insights from Sam Altman’s Interview On Lex Friedman: Gain valuable perspectives on OpenAI governance challenges and the evolving landscape of AI, including its potential impact on jobs and individual privacy.

Don’t miss another action-packed episode!

Stay up to date with the latest tech developments.

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FIRE - The Depressing Part Of The Internet

Allow me to introduce you to one of the most depressing corners of the internet:
This is a subreddit for the FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) movement. It is a place for people to talk about saving lots of money so they can never work again and experience “freedom”.
It should be a joyful place.
But a quick browse through the forum reveals that it’s full of people who have achieved early retirement and are confronted with deep, existential horror.
These people thought that all their problems would be solved, if only they had enough money. They put their heads down, grind for years or decades, and what keeps them going is this: “soon all my problems will be gone”.
But money doesn’t work that way. There are many problems that can be solved with money. But there are even more that cannot.
When money solves all the problems it can, what you are left with is all the other problems. And if you weren’t expecting that, you’ll be utterly lost.
The thing to remember is this: money is a tool. And tools are only ever a means to an end.
If you have a big dream (building a beautiful home) and the one thing getting in your way of fulfilling that dream is your lack of a hammer, then attaining that hammer is a worthy goal.
And when you have that hammer, you will know exactly what you want to do with it.
But imagine you don’t have such a goal. Nonetheless, you work tirelessly to amass the resources to acquire that hammer.
When you finally get the hammer, will you feel good? Will you think to yourself: “ah, freedom! Finally I can apply percussive pressure to any object of my choosing!” ?
That’s a rhetorical question, don’t answer it.
And yet when it comes to money, this is how so many people think.
When they finally hit their goal, they have no idea what their dreams are, and therefore how to use that powerful tool to achieve them.
So does that mean that saving and investing money is pointless?
Absolutely not! As far as tools go, money is the absolute best. But a tool is all it is.
I’m a big fan of Ramit Sethi on this: focus on building a rich life. When you realise money is a tool, you can do two things.
Firstly, you can design your life in such a way that money can provide as much joy as possible.
Secondly, you can focus on all the things that money can’t buy and work on them today. You’re never too broke to build meaningful relationships, learn new skills, or develop hobbies.
You can always get more money, but you will never get your time back. Don’t focus on money, focus on a rich life!

Regulation is killing you

Regulation is killing you

The more I learn about the reality of how regulatory frameworks interact with tech companies and innovative thinking, the more I find out how deeply they can mitigate or minimize true forward progress for customers, patients, and users (as an unintended consequence).

This is to say nothing of regulatory capture that can block new players from making a contribution.

This is particularly heartbreaking when I dig into the implications for healthcare innovation and patient outcomes. Shocking actually.

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The Pact

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Until next week,

Chris and Yaniv

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